Thursday, November 10, 2011

I heard from the Haitians and they have landed safely!!


Kris said...

More info plz!

lknobbe said...

That's all I got for ya Auntie! They said they could only talk for a minute. They said the flight was good! I asked how it was there and Breel said the kids are really cute. I didn't really have time to get any other info. They're not sure when they'll get to the internet, but there is a cafe that you can use if you pay a dollar. You know mom, I'm sure she'll be there soon with an update for us! I'll let you all know when I hear more!

Kris said...

Oh you are SO right Lace! Your mom will be there with a ton of ones! I love that about her :)

lknobbe said...

She is on fb chat right now!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get on!!!!!

From the Heart said...

Glad to hear they had a safe trip. Thanks for the update.

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