Monday, June 28, 2010

Jaxon Hance attends his very first FWD. I must say he worked
as hard as I did, hmmm, so you know how hard I worked!

The Minnesota crew arrives and Buff has to hop in the picture!

Sweet little Kasey, with a million questions, LOVE her!

Thanks to Donnie and Lisa for bringing Jax to his first FWD,
oh and for you coming too!!

Darel, Sam and Buff take an extended supper break...

Nic, all smiles!

Tom is just darn happy to be out of that bucket truck
and done trimming trees for the day.

One has to wonder, are they weeding the flowers or just ACTING
like they are wedding flowers so they aren't given another job....

Susie is oiling up the old saddle that was still in Steve's horse shed.
Dad is making sure she does it right:)

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