Monday, September 14, 2009



Nic, Jenessa and Cameron Bella said...

lol, that's kind of creepy looking :)

Kris said...

This picture is so scary to me! Jen! Its looks like a swarm of black birds should swoop in! This cracks me up! Momma's dress? Love you!

Kris said...

This is crazy! I am going to have bad dreams. Thanks alot. Its really kind of cool too........oh great, now I'm confused.

Jill said...

OMG!!! How spooky looking! Love it!

Nic, Jenessa and Cameron Bella said...

I'm scared of myself!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa said...

Holy cow! That is scary! You look like a witch casting a spell on someone! HAHA!!

Danielle said...

Oh great now you've made me think of the blare witch thanks alot now i won't be able to sleep again!! MOM!!! Im telling on you Jen!!

Brooke said...
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Brooke said...
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Brooke said...

Jen your so so so so pretty!

Brooke said...

Thats Jen Looks like lacey!!!!!!!!!!!!

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