Friday, May 1, 2009

Kasey's new haircut curtesy of big brother, Terren.


Ann said...

OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! He cut off her cute curls! Oh my goodness, did you about have a heart attack? Was this while their father was in charge? Did it you find a pile of hair in the basement?

Kris said...

What?? Oh no!! At least the little barber left some hair! Is he proud of his artist skills?? Oh gosh Jill, did you freak?? You just can't take he prettiness away even if she was bald! (but don't try it T)

Nic, Jenessa and Cameron Bella said...

Kasey doesn't seem too torn up about it!

Ann said...

I wonder if she has looked in the mirror yet, lol.

Ann said...

Gosh, Terren might be stealing my business from me!

Kris said...

Terren better sleep with one eye open!! :)

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