Thursday, March 12, 2009

Well it was a tight fit, but we got in and out safe!
Look what soldiers will do when they get bored!
My Flight Platoon in Afghanistan what a good group of guys!
Lisa and her banned of Killers in Afghanistan! Well maybe not!


Ann said...

Gosh darn Lis, I am a little bit afraid of you now!!

Ann said...

Honestly, you meant to land that there? It looks as if you are going to tip over!! Was it an emergency landing?

Nic, Jenessa and Cameron Bella said...

Those are awesome pics Lisa!!!

Kris said...

Oh my gosh Donnie, my job would be such a big yawn to you. On the other hand I wouldn't be alive if I did your job and I would most likely take out a few other people with me. I should get paid just to stay away.

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