Sunday, March 8, 2009

It was tough to get them both to pay attention to me at the same time :)


Ann said...

I like to be the poster, not the postee! But it is worth it to see sweet Cami!

Breely said...

Mom, you look pretty!!!!! I miss you! Cami is the cutest lil punkin I have ever seen, she has the biggest smile!!! It is ADORABLE!! I can't wait to get my hands on that lil cutie pa tutie!!!!

P.S. Did she spit up on you? Or did you spill some food on your shirt??

Ann said...

Actually Jen spit up on me and blamed it on Cami....

Nic, Jenessa and Cameron Bella said...

I had too much milk... again, I'm sorry!

Kris said...

the cutest! both of you!

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