Saturday, February 21, 2009

Work like you
don't need money.
Dance like no
one's watching.
Love like you've
never been hurt.


Nic, Jenessa and Cameron Bella said...

I miss her so much.

Ann said...

She is missed by so many. It is amazing the numbers of lives she touched in such a loving way.
Three months on Sunday, seems like yesterday, yet seems like forever.....

Tom n Darel said...

I couldn't have said it better. Not a day goes by that I don't think of Casey!! --D

Kris said...

Yep, me either. Brooke just said last night when we left church that she is so thankful for Aunt Casey's life. Mass was in her honor last night and Blake and I both were on the alter so that felt good. Ann your right, seems like yesterday and forever. Sorry you girls got ripped off. You should still have your Momma here. You too Steve. Its not fair. xoxoxo

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