Friday, February 27, 2009

Kris is cheap if you need a painter


Ann said...

Kris is cheap, hmmm, that is something we've all known for years....

Breely said...

Kris, you look really young in these pics.. In the first pic I think you kind of look like Andy and in the last one I think you kind of look like Mal.

Does anyone see it?

Ann said...

Sorry Buff, she just looks like my little sista too me!

Jill said...

I'm not so sure about the first picture, but I agree with you, Buff. The last picture does look a little like Mal.

Nic, Jenessa and Cameron Bella said...

I totally agree Buff!!!!!!!

Kris said...

Wow, who knew? All it takes is a grocery sack over my head to look young and pretty? Sounds like a old joke doesn't it? You peeps are funny!

Brooke said...

my she is so cute

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