Friday, February 27, 2009

Kris is cheap if you need a painter

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Where did these little punkins go?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The grandkid bunch!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Today is Brooke's "Gotcha Day". Which means on this day in 1999 is the day we all got her! Her Mom, Dad and Blake, along with lots of other family members first got to hug her at the airport in Des Moines. We are so very, very lucky we got her!!!
But I wish I would of got her instead of her mom:(

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Is there any caption you could put with this picture?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Work like you
don't need money.
Dance like no
one's watching.
Love like you've
never been hurt.

All dressed up!

Why won't Dad let Kris swing,
and why is Kris nearly naked?!!
I've been working since I was old enough to walk.
Look at me helping my daddy!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Kris, Steve, Ann and Tom in
living room at Na and Pa's house.
Mal is pretty darn happy when we get a new lamp and picture frame!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My daddy ain't afraid of no cow!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cheer up Tom, you're the birthday boy!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cami says HI!!!!

The back of this photo says,
"Dad, with Steve's new horse, Savage Sam"

Monday, February 16, 2009

The rest of our house!

Here is the entryway, going into the living room.

Here is a 360 view standing in the middle of the first floor. Clockwise: hallway to the bedrooms, kitchen, dining room/deck door (deck to be added on later), and living room.
- What do you guys think about the curtains in the living room?? I just put them up yesterday and wasn't exactly sure how to do it. They are the scarf ones.

These are the rest of the rooms upstairs. Clockwise: bathroom, our bedroom, red room (hopefully future baby room), spare bedroom.
- We didn't paint that room red, it came like that. In fact we haven't painted anything but our new bathroom. We are waiting for Andy to come home and help cause she is such a good painter!

Clockwise: stairs going up or down, messy construction zone basement, my sewing corner, and my favorite desk in the whole wide world that Donnie won't carry upstairs to see if I can find a spot for it cause it's too heavy.

Here is the unfinished part of the basement. Clockwise: looking into unfinished part, new bathroom Donnie just built- that white spot was going to be a cupboard but we just decided to fill it in, looking down the hall, first spare bedroom, second spare/Donnie's work room, laundry room.

How adorable is Susie?!
Flying over LA ( lower Alabama)!

My precious angels. Terren, Kasey, and Rylee.

"I thinking of becoming a male model when I grow up. What do you think?"

"I think I feel another tooth coming in."

Alot of people tell me she looks just like me. After seeing this, I wonder just what side she does take after...
Buff has always been into fashion
Lisa and Andy both wore the same dress to prom!
Oh how she adores him!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

We move just about anything!

I think we need more pic's of Chinooks!!
Andy got all her pics for Valentine's Day and was quite suprised to see what a busy bee she has been! I will post more pics later. Hope you all are having a great day!

Where's Panda?

Panda loves making snow angels
Safety First! Always wear your helmet when you are riding your snowmobile!
Very real, very freaky. Yes, I know.
I love how Panda just goes along with everything. Who knew she would like wearing a Christmas hat??
All tucked in for the night! Actually... mom had her in the bed- and Donnie and I got home in the middle of the night and turned on the light to this. We about had a heart attack! She is all smiles, all the time! ...Just like real Panda ;-)
Steve isn't the only cowboy in this family!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Be careful Brookie, you're going to fall!

Friday, February 13, 2009

A gathering at Susie's

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Awww, look at the professional woman!
Andy, Lis, Jen and Jillier. My little punkins!

Valentines Day 2009

"MOM! We don't have time for a picture!"
"I know, just take your coat off and we'll take a quick one."
"No Mom, come on, we are going to be late for school!!!!!!"
......look at those smiles, don't they fake it well?!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My BFFs.

My Best Friends... Molly, Jessica, and Bonnie
Krista is my bestest friend but I don't have a recent pic of us:)

Kasey, all dressed up for church.
Jen and Lisa in matching dresses, Andy and Jill in back.
Are Andy's eyes rolling in the back of her head?
Hmmm, were Mom and Dad knocking back a few beers?