Saturday, January 31, 2009

Everyone's favorite dog
(Squaw.... not Kris!)

The t.v. says it all!!
One hot Momma!

The next generation of cousins.
Rylee, Kasey, Wyatt, & Terren holding Cami.

The start of Mommy being very busy!!!

Please can I have more chocolate?? Please!!!!!!!

Cami and proud Papa.

Dad looks like quite a stud in those shades!

Tyler has always been the studious type.
Steve was Country, before Country was cool.....
(you have to sing that to make it sound right)

Whatcha reading about, Papa?

Andy and Papa
Sam's confirmation dinner
Lis and Sam

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Obviously, things haven't changed much...
Lis has decided to use her "phone a friend" lifeline.
Danielle's graduation party.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Steve and Cas

Jiller and Andy were such cute flower girls!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pretty, Pretty Princess!!!

Looks like we've got ourselves a couple of cowboys!

Andy and Jiller, before bathtubs were invented.

Kris can't get enough of me!

Tom, why don't the chainsaws ever work?

Kris with her favorite nephew, Tyler!

Dad, Susie and Daryl at Family Work Day.

Sam and Danielle doing their daily beauty regimen.

When are we opening presents.......?

Brooke at Grandma Benders with all the puppies!

Smile big, little dancer!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Lacey does yoga every day.

I just told Lace and Mal there is no Santa.

I figured I may as well tell Mal and Buff
there is no Easter bunny either.

Mal is pretty excited. She just discovered
a thing called the shower.
Home Sweet Home.
Where you never need an invitation to drop in!

Blake working SO hard on family day a few years back. (If only his mother ever would.)

Hanging on for my dear life!

Brooke working the camera!

Who wouldn't want to take one of these on vacation?

Black Hills 2007

My Cheating Husband. How can I compete?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A day at the zoo, Mal, Lace, Pretty Princess,
and her friend, Gracie.
One more zoo shot, on Brookie's birthday.
(Blake's too, but he didn't come.)
Wenck girls

Breely and I before church.

Some of the girls at Christmas. 2008
My friend, Keely, roomie Jill, and I being silly at the neighbors.
My friend, Keely, and I skating. I'm pretty good, like a pro.
I'm talking triple axel kind of good!

Here I am, lacing up my skates, to go ice skating in Ames for the first time.

This is one of my Roomies, Marah, and I posing
for a "family picture."